Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter Board of Directors
The Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter Board meets monthly throughout the year except for the months of July and December. Use the Contact Us page to get specifics if you would like to attend or have an item to be added to the agenda. We always welcome input from our membership!
The Board consists of four officers and the chairs of four standing committees. Below are the elected volunteers currently serving in these positions. Elections are held at the November membership meeting and the term of office is two years. All members are welcome to run for the offices that interest them and contribute their expertise to running the Chapter.
The Board consists of four officers and the chairs of four standing committees. Below are the elected volunteers currently serving in these positions. Elections are held at the November membership meeting and the term of office is two years. All members are welcome to run for the offices that interest them and contribute their expertise to running the Chapter.
President: Peri Bianchi Vice President: Louise Giddings Treasurer: Dennis Skriba Secretary: Sue Ward Standing Committee Chairs
Membership Co-Chairs: Chris Leodler & Kendra Grasseschi Programs Co-Chairs: Michelle Beloskur, Liz Triller, David Arnosti Publicity Chair: Mary Leys Ways and Means Chair: Carolyn Miller Additional Committees Outreach Chair: Betty Seagull Hospitality Chair: Open |