Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter 2024 Calendar of Events
To see events offered by all the Wild Ones chapters, follow this link.
In addition to the current WORCC programs, you can scroll down to see videos of past Zoom meetings. Enjoy!
To see events offered by all the Wild Ones chapters, follow this link.
In addition to the current WORCC programs, you can scroll down to see videos of past Zoom meetings. Enjoy!
We have all kinds of interesting programs scheduled for 2024. See details below!
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 6:00 pm EDT
Visit to Red Cedar Glen Preserve & Legg Park in Okemos
3891 Van Atta Rd., Okemos, MI 48864 USA
Meridian Township's Land Preservation program has set aside over 900 acres of the township’s most beautiful, scenic and natural lands for current and future generations to enjoy. On September 18th, Emma Campbell, Land Stewardship Coordinator, will give us a tour of one of these special places.
The Red Cedar Glen Preserve is nearly 15 acres composed of natural communities including riparian hardwood forest, bottomland and upland deciduous forest. It shares a border with Legg Park, a 103 acre natural area with great birding opportunities and trails that take you along the edge of the Red Cedar River.
We will visit the boundary between Red Cedar Glen Preserve and Legg Park where stewardship work such as prescribed fire, invasive species management, and native planting has taken place. Mid-September should be a great time of year to be out enjoying nature. Bring binoculars and field guides if you like. Dress appropriately for the weather. If we need to cancel due to inclement weather we will post it on this website.
Meet at the Legg Park pavilion (3891 Van Atta Rd., Okemos, MI 48864) at 6:00 pm on Sept. 18th. (See pavilion marker in the lower left corner of this trail map).
This event is free and open to the public. Hope to see you there!
Visit to Red Cedar Glen Preserve & Legg Park in Okemos
3891 Van Atta Rd., Okemos, MI 48864 USA
Meridian Township's Land Preservation program has set aside over 900 acres of the township’s most beautiful, scenic and natural lands for current and future generations to enjoy. On September 18th, Emma Campbell, Land Stewardship Coordinator, will give us a tour of one of these special places.
The Red Cedar Glen Preserve is nearly 15 acres composed of natural communities including riparian hardwood forest, bottomland and upland deciduous forest. It shares a border with Legg Park, a 103 acre natural area with great birding opportunities and trails that take you along the edge of the Red Cedar River.
We will visit the boundary between Red Cedar Glen Preserve and Legg Park where stewardship work such as prescribed fire, invasive species management, and native planting has taken place. Mid-September should be a great time of year to be out enjoying nature. Bring binoculars and field guides if you like. Dress appropriately for the weather. If we need to cancel due to inclement weather we will post it on this website.
Meet at the Legg Park pavilion (3891 Van Atta Rd., Okemos, MI 48864) at 6:00 pm on Sept. 18th. (See pavilion marker in the lower left corner of this trail map).
This event is free and open to the public. Hope to see you there!
Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter Native Michigan Plant Sale
Saturday, September 21, 2024 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mount Hope Ave., Lansing, MI 48910, USA
A wide selection of perennial wildflowers, grasses/sedges, trees and shrubs grown by Bendy Stem Farm will be available for purchase. Owner Ben Crocker will be on site to help answer your native plant questions as well as many experienced Wild Ones members. Native plants support birds, butterflies and pollinators. Add some to your landscape and watch it come to life!
WORCC Chapter members will get a 10% discount on plant purchases. To become a member, visit this Wild Ones page and select Red Cedar Chapter. Join us today!
Saturday, September 21, 2024 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mount Hope Ave., Lansing, MI 48910, USA
A wide selection of perennial wildflowers, grasses/sedges, trees and shrubs grown by Bendy Stem Farm will be available for purchase. Owner Ben Crocker will be on site to help answer your native plant questions as well as many experienced Wild Ones members. Native plants support birds, butterflies and pollinators. Add some to your landscape and watch it come to life!
WORCC Chapter members will get a 10% discount on plant purchases. To become a member, visit this Wild Ones page and select Red Cedar Chapter. Join us today!
Sunday, September 29, 2024, 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Conservation Pool Party
Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mount Hope Ave., Lansing, MI 48910, USA
Come visit the Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter booth at the Conservation Pool Party!
Join the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership and MSU Extension Conservation Stewards Program for a Conservation Pool Party at Fenner Nature Center! Alumni from the Conservation Stewards Program, current Vernal Pool Patrol volunteers, as well as anyone looking to learn more about getting involved locally in conservation are welcome to join the party.
The event will include light refreshments, social time, a quick visit to a vernal pool (because going into the forest is always better with friends), and booths from various conservation organizations. Attendance is free, registration is appreciated. Click here for all the details.
Conservation Pool Party
Fenner Nature Center, 2020 E. Mount Hope Ave., Lansing, MI 48910, USA
Come visit the Wild Ones Red Cedar Chapter booth at the Conservation Pool Party!
Join the Michigan Vernal Pools Partnership and MSU Extension Conservation Stewards Program for a Conservation Pool Party at Fenner Nature Center! Alumni from the Conservation Stewards Program, current Vernal Pool Patrol volunteers, as well as anyone looking to learn more about getting involved locally in conservation are welcome to join the party.
The event will include light refreshments, social time, a quick visit to a vernal pool (because going into the forest is always better with friends), and booths from various conservation organizations. Attendance is free, registration is appreciated. Click here for all the details.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7:00 pm
Adapt: Community Supported Ecology Michigan Nature Association, 2310 Science Pkwy #100, Okemos Angel Swaynie, Community Leader for the Greater Lansing Chapter of Adapt: Community Supported Ecology will be our presenter. This nonprofit is dedicated to building community networks that support the restoration of native plant and perennial food landscapes on small parcels of both private and public lands. Learn about their services, resources, and accomplishments. |
Past Programs
February 21, 2024
Planting for Shade Bill Schneider, Owner of Wildtype native plant nursery in Mason, Michigan shares the many factors to consider when gardening in shade. There are all sorts of different shade conditions (wet/dry, dappled/dense, etc.) with different implications. Many plants are more widely adapted than you might find them in nature. This video is sure to have something helpful for anyone gardening in shade. To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click on the following window. |
January 17, 2024
Designing Native Plant Gardens: Minimizing the Error in "Trial and Error" Experienced native plant gardener and designer Mike Weis, owner of Dropseed! Native Gardens and Ecological Restoration in Kalamazoo MI, takes us through the steps in the first garden he ever installed. He will present a slideshow of images of his garden through the years to illustrate how some decisions/methods that were used worked well while others did not. To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click on the following window. |
November 15, 2023
Invasive Species Update Michelle Beloskur, the Midwest Invasive Plant Network’s full-time Coordinator (MIPN.org), will bring us up-to-speed on invasive plants that may be moving into our area, as well as those that are being tackled right now. She will have tips on what to watch for and what to do if you discover a new population of invasive plants. If we can catch these invaders at an early stage, the easier it will be to eradicate them. To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click on the following window. |
March 16th, 2022
Spring Beauties: Native Wildflowers for the Woodland Garden Tired of tulips? Find daffodils dull? How about trying out some of Michigan's native spring ephemerals! From trout lilies to trillium, from the exotic to the familiar, explore some native alternatives for the spring garden with Cheryl M. English, Advanced Master Gardener and owner of Black Cat Pottery. Hope you can join us! To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click on the following window. |
February 16th, 2022
Forest Bathing: A Nature Boost We all know we feel better after a walk in the woods. The Japanese call this Shinrin-yoku, or "forest bathing," simply spending time in nature to relax, rejuvenate, and reduce stress. Join us for this Zoom program to learn more about how and why immersion in nature increases our sense of well-being. Our virtual guest speakers will be Maureen Stine, Certified Environmental Educator with Natureology.me and Georgia Peterson, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Forestry, Michigan State University. Hope you can join us! To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click on the following window. |
January 19th, 2022
Exotic Invasive Earthworms in Michigan: Asian Jumping Worms Asian Jumping Worms have recently been found in the Greater Lansing area. They are much more destructive to plants and soil than other earthworms. Our virtual guest speaker will be Scott Tiegs, Ph.D. Professor of Biological Sciences at Oakland University. He and his colleague, Holly Greiner-Hallman, first found Jumping Worms in the Oakland University Biological Preserve in 2008 and can help us learn what to look for and how to avoid moving them around. Join us for this interesting and important talk. To watch a recording of this webinar follow this link, or click the following window. |